Elder Emfield
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Salt Lake Youth Association, etc.
A couple of Church associated pictures today.
A local youth organization dedicated to cleaning up their neighborhood wanted to select the name of a clean community in the United States - apparently so as to emulate them. This is the name chosen. It sort of rings a bell with missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 😉
This is our temple here, the Accra, Ghana Temple. It is the smallest temple serving an MTC anywhere in the world but it is very nice. Small has its advantages; I quite like this size.
Elder Emfield
Elder Emfield
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign
Some of you may remember the lyrics. Well, they fit, even if you are too young to know the song.
Speaking of prevention, for a number of years the Church has been quite involved in a campaign to vaccinate children in Africa against polio. That disease is still a problem here, and immunizations in general are not what they should be. This sign is part of the campaign to change all that. If you look at the bottom of the sign you can see sponsoring organizations such as the Ghanaian Health Service, unicef, the Rotary Club, and I am glad to say, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sometimes, we come across some signs with unclear meanings. "Who Knows Tomorrow." ???
This isn't a sign, of course, but I wanted to mention that it is Harmattan when the hot, dry, dusty winds blow off the Sahara and into West Africa. Not only is visibility quite poor right now, it is downright hard to breathe! Sometimes I can feel the grit in my mouth, and everything is coated with it.
This sign looked very familiar to me. 😁 It is used for making batic cloth. Go Cougs!
Elder Emfield
Monday, February 3, 2020
Monkeying Around
Just so you didn't think you have been deceived all your life, I thought I would show you that Africa does, indeed, have monkeys.
And while we are discussing that branch of the animal kingdom, here are some baboons. What is interesting is that the building in the picture is a school. Now school was out on holiday at the time, so none of the kids were there. From what I was told the baboons are not afraid of children and there are places where they will knock them down and take what they have if they want it.
How about mixing the old and the new. Here we have traditional huts and concrete blocks.
We got a ride in a van that carried this first aid kit. We thought we would take a picture for those who have not been to Ghana. This is a very religious country and the people express their beliefs in all aspects of life. As you can see here, businesses and products are given religious names. I think we can safely say that the owner of the company that manufactured this kit was a Christian.
Elder Emfield
For those of you that have been following us, our blogs halted in March. By way of explanation, this was because of Covid-19. The appeara...
For those of you that have been following us, our blogs halted in March. By way of explanation, this was because of Covid-19. The appeara...