Some of you may remember the lyrics. Well, they fit, even if you are too young to know the song.
Of course, some signs make you think a little more than others. And you were worried about Coronavirus. Wanna trade? Actually, there have not been any recent outbreaks of Ebola around here. Then again, that may have something to do with the campaign that brought about the posting of the sign. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," right?
Speaking of prevention, for a number of years the Church has been quite involved in a campaign to vaccinate children in Africa against polio. That disease is still a problem here, and immunizations in general are not what they should be. This sign is part of the campaign to change all that. If you look at the bottom of the sign you can see sponsoring organizations such as the Ghanaian Health Service, unicef, the Rotary Club, and I am glad to say, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sometimes, we come across some signs with unclear meanings. "Who Knows Tomorrow." ???
This isn't a sign, of course, but I wanted to mention that it is Harmattan when the hot, dry, dusty winds blow off the Sahara and into West Africa. Not only is visibility quite poor right now, it is downright hard to breathe! Sometimes I can feel the grit in my mouth, and everything is coated with it.
This sign looked very familiar to me. 😁 It is used for making batic cloth. Go Cougs!
Again, not a picture of a sign. But, we are missionaries. This is a baptismal font for one of our meetinghouses. They are not all outside like this. Recently we attended the baptism of a young man that we know (at another meetinghouse with an indoor font - but this is the only picture of a font that I have). When we arrived we were pleased to discover that he was not the only one being baptized that day. In addition, there was a girl from a Latter-day Saint family, and two other adult men. Three converts and a young lady who had been raised in the Church. Another young man who we did not know, came in and sat with us. He was clearly new and we were able to be of some assistance to him, I think. I do not know if there were other visitors present, but it would not be surprising; here in West Africa the work of Christ prospers, and His Church grows. It is an exciting thing to see.
Elder Emfield
Keep up the good works. Hope all is well with you both. Let us know if things change. Hugs, Lorna & Ger